One of Our Spies is Missing

One of Our Spies Is Missing is the 1966 featurelength film version of The Man from U.N.C.L.E. s second season twopart episode The Bridge of Lions Affair. The episodes were originally broadcast in the United States on February 4, 1966 and February 11, 1966 on NBC. It, as does the television series, stars Robert Vaughn and David McCallum. It is the fourth such feature film that used as its basis a reedited version of one or more episodes from the series. However, this film, and the episodes it draws from, represents the only instance where a Man from U.N.C.L.E. story is derived from an existing novel The Bridge of Lions 1963 by Henry Slesar.

De Sala herself visits Sir Norman Swickert, a very old statesman she knew and admired as a child, and brings along with her Dr. Gritsky a colleague of Dr. Lancer. Swickert complains of being too old to have political power anymore, and De Sala reveals her desire for such power as he once had, her resentment of not having it available to her since she is a woman, and her ability to make him a younger man with Gritskys help.Meanwhile, Solos efforts to contact Lorelei result in Do Do and Olga acting together to kill her rather than have her speak to Solo. Solo discovers this when he is lured to Loreleis apartment and, after a fight with Do Do, discovers both Loreleis body and a note to Lorelei that she could contact her father through Philip Bainbridge. Solo attempts to contact Bainbridge in London meeting Swickerts fulltime nurse Joanna Sweet in the process, but Swickert is speaking with him first. Swickert becomes convinced that the middleaged Bainbridge is actually the elderly Lancer made young again via a medical process. Olga has followed Solo and, in attempting to kill him, accidentally kills BainbridgeLancer. A chase and fight ensues with the result being the escape of Olga and the death of Do Do. ........

Source: Wikipedia